
Quick SAKE Quote

One stop Quotation Inquiry SystemOne stop Quotation Inquiry System

Quick SAKE Quote(QSQ hereafter) is a quotation inquiry system you can receive Quotation instantly. In most of cases, it takes time to get a quotation of Sake, especially when several breweries. If you could get the answer after a week or so, the answer may be “they already have a partner in your country” and you waste your valuable time. Let’s start Sake business with QSQ efficiently!

  • Efficient quote request

    You can select the products from several suppliers and send request efficiently on QSQ system at once.

  • Auto-filter product list

    You do not need to waste your time by receiving the message “they already have a partner in your country”. The list on the system shows tradable products only.

  • Quick Online meeting

    After you send us the request of quotation, soon we can start talking about the business to move forward.

System overview

System overview

Service Flow

  • step1

    Fill your information

  • step2

    Select Sake and other items you interest to import

  • step3

    Confirm your inquiry


Receive the quotation within 3 operation daysReceive the quotation within 3 operation days

Start “Quick SAKE Quote”