株式会社小林順蔵商店 / J. Kobayashi Co., Ltd.
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WHY SAKE ~aromas~

SAKE in a wine glass allows you to enjoy the aromas.

In recent years, a new style of enjoying SAKE in a wine glass has become popular in Japan.

SAKE in a wine glass allows you to enjoy the subtle aromas that were previously imperceptible.

Like white wine, it can be drunk at 5-15°C, for example in a Burgundy glass, to enjoy its hidden aromas, which are different from those in a sake glass. SAKE is made only from rice. Why, nevertheless, does it have a fruity aroma of fruits like banana or pineapple?

The milling ratio and fermentation stage determine the aroma. There are more than 100 different aromatic components in SAKE. It is up to the master brewer to decide which aroma to highlight.

Now try and find your favourite one!
