株式会社小林順蔵商店 / J. Kobayashi Co., Ltd.
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Teaser site of Sake Trading Media “IKKI” open!!!

In Japanese Sake industry, we have been communicating with a lot of people from breweries, retailers, wholesalers and importers oversea. When we discussing with them and try our best to provide the best service, we are coming up with the thoughts as below;


“most of the information about sake from Japan is not importers’ point of view and lacking some information”

“the information about sake trading is mostly in Japanese and not organized”

“As a trading company, this is what we should solve”


The importers job is to convince local market and we would not expect importers to spend so much time on trading duties and products search.

We are going to eliminate such tasks for importers, firstly, to make them consider about sake import easily.


In order to eliminate, we decided to open owned media specializing in Sake Trading called “IKKI”, today we open teaser site for the media.

Please check out from the link below;




Should you have any question or comment or request please do not hesitate to contact us.


Thank you.

